Sitemap - 2024 - Dare To Fail

Singing a song to readers


KISS Friday - 20 Sept, 2024

Who else has done "My Substack Summer"?

Writing through chaos

Dare to go against popular opinions and conventional advice

This myth makes you a victim living in survival mode

KISS Friday - 13 Sept, 2024

Ditch the copy-and-paste writing routines

Uncover your authentic writing voice

KISS Friday - 6 Sept, 2024

Write Notes every day challenge (September 2024)

Recurring themes of winning at writing

Winning the writing game

Dare to identity shift

Big ideas start small

Magic happens even with small things

From 'I Can't' to 'I Can't, Yet'

Get more done each day by structuring your time

Do you feel like your writing is falling into the void? The abyss is not as deep as you think

So You Think You Can Write?

Confessions of a Freebie Junkie

Become a Writer Warrior, fight the writing demons

Be bold

Defeat your writing demons and turn writing from a hobby into a daily habit

Do You Suffer from the Over-Prepare, Never-Ready symptom?

So you call yourself a writer?

My whacky reason for writing on Substack

Holly Molly, I can flip pancakes with my left hand

How β€œBottom-of-the-Barrel” Thinking Affects Your Mindset and Destroys Your Wealth and Success

Mindset Is Your Only Stumbling Block To A Better Life

How I Use the PATH of LEAST RESISTENCE to Consistently Hit Goals

Fly Like A Dandelion, Not Sit Like A Salad

How I Overcome Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)


3 Most Common Psychological Fears and Simple Strategies To Overcome Them

10 Best Ideas About Leadership, Focus, Habits and Finding Purpose

Are You Struggling To Make Meaningful Progress In Life?

How To Make A Square Peg Fit Into A Round Hole

Are you too shy to look at people in the eye?

The Simple Psychological Strategy to Get Rid of the People You Hate

This mental breakthrough got me an extra $1500 more in my monthly paycheck

Coming soon