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These articles help you crush your fears and overcome challenges:
I Dare To Fail so you can Dare to Win - Moon Arica
The wild, wacky, and wonderful world of writing
Welcome, my friend. You’ve chosen a path that will make you laugh, cry, doubt your existence, and occasionally high-five yourself because you nailed that one sentence.
Let me tell you that this is a journey, not a sprint. And it’s the kind of journey where you’ll get lost on purpose, take a thousand detours, and sometimes question if the destination even exists.
But oh, is it worth it.
Let’s talk about having fun first
Writing is like having a backstage pass to your own imagination. You get to create worlds, build characters, and string together words that can make people laugh, cry, or feel something they didn’t even know was buried deep inside them.
There’s a kind of magic to it, a power that humbles you when you realize your words might resonate with someone you’ve never met.
It’s a high we chase, often it’s elusive, sometimes within grasp, but when it happens, we’re hit full of dopamine that can sustain us for days.
But let’s not kid ourselves
Writing can be an absolute beast.
Some days, you’ll stare at the blinking cursor, feeling like an imposter. The words and sentences prancing around you and laughing at your silliness. Other days, the words will flow, and you’ll think, Yes, I am the Shakespeare of my time! (well you’re not, but who cares?)
And then, of course, there’s the eternal inner critic, that insinuating voice that says, “You should trash this right now, it’s pointless and it’s never going to work.” But that’s just it, every writer hears that voice. Keep writing anyway.
Do all writers feel the same?
Think of the books you love and the writers you follow. Maybe their words have stayed with you for years. Do you think they sat down every day, effortlessly spilling brilliance onto the page?
Hardly. They likely pulled their hair, drank too much coffee, trashed several drafts, and thought about quitting, too.
The difference? They kept going. It’s persistence, grit, and the courage to keep trying even when they felt like imposters.
When you feel stuck, remember that your heroes were once where you are now. Their journeys were paved with the same frustrations, but also the same moments of joy. You’re in good company.
Writing is the most human thing you can do
It’s a rebellion against silence
It’s the voice of nature
It’s the sound of a ringing bell
We live in a chaotic, noisy world, and yet, here you are, trying to make sense of it all by putting your thoughts into words. That’s courage, my friend. And also passion and madness, which I feel go hand in hand together. But hey, isn’t that what makes life interesting?
It’s also what makes you endearing to your readers.
Turning life into words
When you can transform your experiences into something universal, the mundane becomes meaningful, the personal becomes relatable, and the chaotic becomes coherent.
Every argument, heartbreak, or quiet morning spent staring out the window becomes material. Writing gives you the power to turn the mess of life into something beautiful. It’s alchemy.
When you write, you’re not just documenting events. Instead, you’re distilling their essence, finding meaning in the chaos, and offering readers a glimpse of your world. That’s your magic hook to draw readers in, it’s deeply personal yet infinitely sharable.
Start to love writing and here comes difficulties
And it’s just that, difficulties, not obstacles, and they’re part of the process.
Every writer struggles with procrastination, self-doubt, and the desire to bang our heads on the keyboard..it’s all part of the dance. The frustration means you care, and caring is the foundation of great writing.
It’s time to laugh at yourself
Writing is a funny endeavour. You spend hours crafting a single paragraph, only to delete it the next day because you realize it sounds like a 12-year-old trying to write poetry. You’ll google synonyms and have long conversations with chatgpt just to crack the code for good writing.
Laugh, laugh harder.
If you can laugh at yourself, you can make light of any situation. Laughter is your antidote to self-doubt. It’s what keeps you grounded and reminds you why you started writing in the first place. You’re no longer trying to be perfect, you’re just trying to be better. And that’s all you need to be.
Every word you write, every failure, every problem, they are all stepping stones. You’re not just writing, you’re also growing. You’re learning how to think, how to feel, and how to connect with others in ways that matter.
Keep going
Write when it’s easy, write when it’s hard. Write when your phone is enticing you to scroll or your favourite show is calling you to binge-watch.
One day, you’ll look back at the pages you’ve filled, and you’ll realize you’ve created something bigger than yourself.
You’ve made
your dreams bigger
your world wider
your circle of influence stronger
and a massive amount of work that tells the story of who you are and what you’ve discovered along the way.
And remember that the writing journey will be messy, ridiculous, and unpredictable. That’s what makes it beautiful.
Keep writing, keep laughing, and never stop chasing the magic.
May your ink flow freely, your imagination always running wild, and your heart never stop singing.
Your fellow traveller in words,
Be the change you want to see in the world - Moon Arica
If you like someone else to embrace a Dare to Fail mindset, please restack and recommend it.
Expand your comfort zone here, tell me your thoughts:
Do you have more fun than difficulties when writing?
Do you believe your words can create magic?
On writing:
50 Creative Ways to Spark Writing Ideas
Thanks for reading.
This is inspiring 🔥. Start giving love to write & be ready for it to multiply & come back to you, it will.
We don’t need to wait for the big milestones to recognise the progress we’re making. Every step forward, no matter how small, means we’re closer than we were yesterday.
Progress is progress.
Great read Moon.