I believe I am implementing almost all strategies necessary. The major thing I need is patience and persistence to push through.

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Push on, don't give up.

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These are some great insights! The idea of ‘stacking’ habits and skills to build a strong foundation really resonates. It’s a reminder that growth doesn’t happen overnight—it’s about consistently putting in the work and building up over time.

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Yup you won't expect your money to grow overnight in a bank too. Let time work in our favour, start small but start EARLY.

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Sometimes we just have to Fail our way to Success, AricaN.

Fail/Failure always sounds too harsh for me. The only true failure is when we just give up.

If we learn from our mistakes and keep going then we really didn't fail. It was a momentary setback that is meant to be a learning experience.

Happy Hump Day!


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Fail our way to success, wow! That's a very empowering message. Can I steal that term?

I'm working on a recurring theme and I could use this.

Thanks for being a constant source of motivation and inspiration!

Infinitely grateful to you Mel.

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“The road to success is paved with accelerated failures.” by Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times on his way to inventing the light bulb that we all enjoy today. I couldn't find the exact quote online so maybe "Fail our way to Success." is original in which case you may use it AricaN.


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Blessed your generous heart, Mel!

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