Great post! Love the idea of routines being like shoes—you really do need to find the right fit. Starting small and focusing on what works for me makes so much sense. Thanks for the inspiration!

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Hey Antonio, thanks for sharing. It's also easier to focus when you start small. Great one!

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Thanks for sharing AricaN!


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Hey Mel, expecting you to pop up sooner or later, I rather it's sooner but guess you're working on your various projects!

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Sorry. Yes, I published 3 books and 1 ebook yesterday and working on many other books at the same time. It can be overwhelming at times, but I'll keep pushing hard. Have a great weekend ahead AricaN!


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Don't be sorry :) I love hearing about your updates. Very motivating for me too!

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What I can say is - Embrace AI. ChatGPT and Claude both have free versions. Otherwise get the ChatGPT Pro version. The knowledge and assistance is incredible. I use the Pro versions for Grok 2 found on X (twitter), ChatGPT (OpenAI) and Claude (Claude.ai). :-)


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Yes sir! I'm going to explore Claude this weekend.

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Claude is very good for writing. :-)


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The one piece of advice I'd give if I was asked about routines is to spend the first 2 months building a habit.

Since i did this my routine revolves around my writing habit, I know i write better after a walk and a coffee so that's what I do. Walk , Coffee, , Write

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Hi Mark, love your simple and straightforward routine. 2 months is a great time frame to build it up.

I tied my routine mostly to my phone, whenever I have something, even if it's a few words, I will note them down.

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Sep 22Liked by Moon Arica

Loved the post and it IS helpful. A bit lengthy though. I read it all the way through, because it has a a 'genuine voice' all through. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you Roshan for the patience, you could always skip ahead to parts that interest you and come back later if you didn't follow the story 😂

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Sep 15Liked by Moon Arica

Instead of thinking about routines, try thinking about rituals. Rituals have more emotional aspect associated with the action compared to rituals. Anyways, thanks for sharing, Arica :)

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Hmm... could be a mindset shift for me to think of them as rituals, I agree it feels more connected that way. Thanks Qi Bing 😃

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I am with you on what you say that nothing is written in stone, and that one shoe doesn’t fit everyone. But some shoes need to be a bit tighter in the beginning to adjust perfectly to your feet.

I have tried several of the routines you have mentioned out of curiosity to find my own routine that works. It takes time to develop a routine and it will change as we get older because our physiology change.

I like what Mark says about his routine, it is similar to what I am doing currently. Walk (we have a dog), Meditate, Coffee, Read and then Write.

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I like your analogy of having the shoes a bit tighter in the beginning. Indeed, we may face difficulties with life, like your food poisoning which just threw a stone in your path, if we can keep a positive mentality, we could turn negatives into something that works for us.

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